• Share Your Voices. Share Your Impact.

    Read, Lead, Succeed!

  • What We Do

    We're on a mission to spread positive message media and improve literacy to those in need.

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    Star-Style Radio

    Mission: Encourage life skills and provide inspirational media

    Star-Style Radio is a live weekly radio broadcast aired to 219 countries/territories on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel showcasing success experts, authors, and books encouraging life skills and positive messages. Take charge of your life and coach yourself to success with hosts Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany every Wednesday at 4 pm PST/ 7 pm EST. Listen Live!

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    Express Yourself! Radio

    Mission: To inspire teens and give them a voice

    A platform giving youth an uncensored voice on crucial topics aired on the Voice America Kids Network featuring teen hosts and reporters internationally. Stop in and hear stories from celebrities, artists, authors, and more! Listen in for new episodes every Tuesday at Noon PST/ 3 pm EST. Listen here!

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    Literacy Outreach

    Mission: Provides community outreach and literature resources

    Be The Star You Are! provides local community outreach opportunities and book donations to local organizations. For every $100 donated, a case of books is donated to the donor's organization, school, or shelter of choice. Teen volunteers also provide book reviews and write letters for literacy. Feel free to check out more of our exciting projects here!

  • Stats & Figures

    We let the results speak for themselves.


    Individuals and Families Served

    $1.8 Million

    Literacy Resources and Broadcasting Distributed

    4.5 Million 

    Listeners Internationally to 219 Countries


    Volunteer Hours Logged

  • Who We Are

    We're on a mission to spread positive message media and improve literacy to those in need.

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    Cynthia Brian

    Founder/Executive Director and Producer

    Cynthia is known as "The Renaissance Woman with Soul" whose list of achievements include author, producer, wife, mother, model, teacher, interior designer, gardener, artist, casting director, television, and radio host. She founded Be The Star You Are! in 1999 and has since been a voice for inspiration and change. 

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    Heather Brittany

    Co-Founder of Be The Star You Are!

    Heather is an actress, radio and TV personality, as well as a health and fitness professional. She is dynamic, enthusiastic, and passionate about making a difference in the lives of others. Listen to her live at Star-Style Radio!

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    Elizabeth Aguilar

    Research Guest Coordinator and Communications Intern

    Liz is a Bonner Scholar and Science Research Fellow at DePauw University '18. She is highly involved with civic engagement and service on campus and with the local Greencastle Community. She's served as a social justice intern, United DePauw leader, and international student ambassador. She will be conducting medical research at Stanford University this summer. Liz loves hiking, writing, and spending time with her close friends and family!

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    Varsha Venkatanathan

    Volunteer Publicist for Be The Star You Are!

    Varsha is volunteering as a publicist for Be the Star You Are! and she is a lover of music, writing and dogs. Ever since she was a young child, she has always been very passionate about changing lives. Through Be the Star You Are, she hopes to have a positive impact, as well as learn new things about herself, and grow as a person. She aspires to be extremely influential and inspire along the way!

  • Who's Talking About Us

    Take a look and enjoy!

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    “I would like to tell you the greatest news: I’VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO HARVARD!!!!!! On behalf of myself and my whole family, thank you for all the support you’ve given me and for all the doors you’ve opened for me through BTSYA. I would not be the person I am today without having met you and been a part of BTSYA!! Thank you for writing me a letter of recommendation, for letting me host radio, for giving me the tools I need to Express (My)self! On the application, it actually asked “Who is your role model?”, and I wrote down none other than “Cynthia Brian"!!!! Your selflessness, warmth, and light is inspirational, and you know not the lives you change. THANK YOU!”

    - Henna Hundal, Teen Volunteer with BTSYA

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    "You guys at Be the Star You Are! are the BEST. Thank all your volunteers from all of the firefighters, rescue workers, and their families for the thousands of books, tapes, and CD’s you provided us during this time of horror. Be the Star You Are! was one of the first to respond to our needs after 9/11. You have no idea how much you have made a difference for New Yorker’s with Operation Ground Hero. We appreciate what you are doing."

    Ted Frett, Deputy Director, Family Crisis and Counseling Center, New York Fire Department

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    "Our options were limited until "Be the Star You Are" came into our lives. The Juvenile Hall staff is happy to pass out your materials and see a glowing transformation in progress as the youngsters speak and act more positively. There is little doubt that the positive impact, "Be the Star You Are," has had on our youth will be most evident years from now."

    Shannon Grosenheider, Executive Administrator, Juvenile Hall Auxiliary

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations from our volunteers and celebrity interviews

    September 10, 2016
    Twelve years ago, I became the mentor of twin five-year-old girls whose Mom came from Sudan. Among the many fun “firsts” I got to share with them was their first carousel ride, first visit to a library, first time to go fishing, and first time they heard the word “college.” My daughter was a...
    September 10, 2016
    More than half of American teenagers and young adults are volunteers. We might think people of all ages volunteer their time because they want to support a cause they care about. However, teens and young adults volunteer regularly if and where their friends do, according to the Chronicle of...
    Every artist has her or his muse, a person who inspires, motivates, and encourages creativity. Leonardo had Lisa , Quentin has Uma, Mother Teresa had God, and I credit my mother, Alice, with being my gardening artiste. From the time that I could toddle, I was following her around our expansive...
    More Posts
  • #standforliteracy

    We are hosting one of our largest virtual and interactive fundraisers yet to continue providing positive message media and increasing access to literacy. Please give back and share this fundraiser with others on social media. Take a #standforliteracy with us!

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